3 Things No Naturalista(o) Can Live Without

The list of things that are beneficial to helping you lead a healthy lifestyle could go on forever and ever. Although it was hard choosing just three things, I can easily say that these are major keys to success when it comes to living au naturel.

Being young and busy it might be hard to find time to be healthy but by just adding these three simple things to your life you can change a lot.

1. Coconut oil9bb5d31ce4

Do you suffer from psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, or any other skin infection? Do you have hair that has dandruff, lacks shine, or just want a few more inches? Do you have digestion problems? If you answered yes to any of those questions then coconut oil is for you.

Coconut oil is basically the jack of all trades and the list of benefits is virtually never-ending.

According to Organic Facts coconut oil is famously known for its healing properties. When coconut oil is applied to an infected area it forms a chemical layer that protects the wound from bacteria, dust, air, and other viruses.

Long story short, coconut oil is one of God’s greatest gifts and should be on everyone’s grocery list.

2. Vitamins

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Vitamin C, multivitamin, Magnesium

Vitamins serve great purpose in the natural life. Sometimes when you eliminate certain foods (that may not be the healthiest) from your diet you may be missing very important nutrients that you didn’t even know about.

“I can’t live without my vitamins.” said Rachel Andrews, who has been vegan for almost 4 years now. “Since it is difficult to get all nutrients necessary without consuming meat, the most important vitamin to me is B-12 supplement.”

Other important vitamins include Calcium, Iron, and vitamins C, D, and E.

3. Dates

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A lot of people aren’t familiar with dates and what they can do for your health. Not only are they sweet, tasty, natural snacks, but they come with a long list of benefits for your body.

Dates are full of natural vitamins and great for weight loss, constipation, iron deficiency, reducing blood pressure and much more.

According to Natural Society dates are extremely rich in magnesium; thus, making this fruit known for its anti-inflammatory benefits.

Try adding dates to your next smoothie for a sweet and healthy addition.

Lucky for you, you don’t have to break the bank or go far for any of these things. All of them can be purchased at your nearest Wal-Mart.

But if you’d like to go the more organic route (with a small price increase) you can find them all at your local Whole Foods.

Try these 3 health boosters and comment your thoughts about them along with more ideas for future posts.











One thought on “3 Things No Naturalista(o) Can Live Without

  1. I will have to add dates to my list of things to try – I swear by coconut oil and have enough vitamins to fill one of those old people pill sorters.

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